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Extended Provider information

type ProviderData {
id: ID!
code: ID!
name: String!
isActive: Boolean!
isPublic: Boolean @deprecated
where: EntityAuditWhereInput
orderBy: EntityAuditOrderByEnum
): EntityAuditConnection!
connectionType: ProviderConnectionType!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Provider unique ID. Format: integer.

ProviderData.code ● ID! non-null scalar

Provider unique code ● String! non-null scalar

Provider name

ProviderData.isActive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether a Provider is active. If the Provider is deactivated, all its Suppliers will be deactivated

ProviderData.isPublic ● Boolean deprecated scalar


deprecated from 2019-01-01. Not used

ProviderData.audits ● EntityAuditConnection! non-null object

Audits it shows the provider's change history

ProviderData.audits.where ● EntityAuditWhereInput input
ProviderData.audits.orderBy ● EntityAuditOrderByEnum enum

ProviderData.connectionType ● ProviderConnectionType! non-null enum

Indicates connection type of Supplier

Member Of

Provider object ● SupplierData object