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Create new Supplier input

input SupplierCreateInput {
code: ID!
name: String!
providerCode: ID!
organization: ID!
serviceApi: ID
isActive: Boolean
groupContentCode: ID
id: ID


SupplierCreateInput.code ● ID! non-null scalar

No blank, no special characters ● String! non-null scalar

Supplier name

SupplierCreateInput.providerCode ● ID! non-null scalar

Provider code

SupplierCreateInput.organization ● ID! non-null scalar

IAM Group code. The group must exist.

SupplierCreateInput.serviceApi ● ID scalar

ServiceAPI indicates the type of the connection (integer), hotel by default

  1. hotel
  2. transportation
  3. car
  4. transfers
  5. activities
  6. virtualaccount
  7. payment
  8. package

SupplierCreateInput.isActive ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether a Supplier is active or inactive, true by default

SupplierCreateInput.groupContentCode ● ID scalar

GroupContent code. Use allGroupContents to get a list of valid GroupContents or create a new one with createGroupContent ● ID scalar

Optional, use it only if a specific ID has to be specified