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Input delta price, indicates price variation permitted by the client. An error will be returned if the new price does not abide to DeltaPrice. If DeltaPrice is not sent and the integration implements it, we assume that the price range is 0 and the process will continue (price is lower or equal to the price showed in Quote). This field is implemented if it’s native to the supplier or if another availability/valuation request needs to be done in Book. In case the supplier blocks the option in Quote, reservation will be done automatically in Book method.

input DeltaPriceInput {
amount: Float
percent: Float
applyBoth: Boolean!


DeltaPriceInput.amount ● Float scalar

The amount that will be accepted by the client to be higher than the Quote price. It is returned in the currency of the option.

DeltaPriceInput.percent ● Float scalar

The percentage accepted by the client to be higher than the Quote price.

DeltaPriceInput.applyBoth ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If applyBoth = false: Indicates that one of the conditions (amount or percentage) has to meet the criteria before reservation. If applyBoth = true: Indicates that the new price cannot exceed the amount or percentage indicated by the client.

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HotelBookInput input ● HotelOneStepBookInput input