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input AccessUpdateInput {
name: String
supplierCode: ID
isTest: Boolean
isShared: Boolean
user: String
password: String
updateDescriptiveInfo: Int
descriptiveInfoLimit: Int
isSchedulerActive: Boolean
updateList: Int
updateDateRange: String
urls: UrlsInput

Fields ● String scalar

Access descriptive unique name

AccessUpdateInput.supplierCode ● ID scalar

Supplier code for this Access

AccessUpdateInput.isTest ● Boolean scalar

Indicates if Access can be used for testing or not

AccessUpdateInput.isShared ● Boolean scalar

Indicates if Access is shared or not

AccessUpdateInput.user ● String scalar

User code to connect to supplier

AccessUpdateInput.password ● String scalar

Password for the connection

AccessUpdateInput.updateDescriptiveInfo ● Int scalar

Refresh time to update Despriptive Info

AccessUpdateInput.descriptiveInfoLimit ● Int scalar

Limit on DescriptiveInfo; 0 denotates no limit

AccessUpdateInput.isSchedulerActive ● Boolean scalar

Indicates if scheduler is active

AccessUpdateInput.updateList ● Int scalar

Refresh time to update other batch lists

AccessUpdateInput.updateDateRange ● String scalar

Range on update date

AccessUpdateInput.urls ● UrlsInput input

Specific URLs