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type SearchOption {
accommodations: [Accommodation!]
activities: [Activity!]
brand: PackageBrand
adviseMessages: [AdviseMessage]
category: PackageCategory!
checkoutDate: String
departureDate: String
destination: PackageLocation
isAvailable: Boolean!
isRefundable: Boolean!
itineraryMap: [ItineraryMap!]
locations: [PackageLocations!]
origin: PackageLocation
optionId: String!
rate: Rate!
refName: String
returnDate: String
supplier: String
platform: String
supplierPackageCode: String
transports: [Transport!]


SearchOption.accommodations ● [Accommodation!] list object

List of accommodations

SearchOption.activities ● [Activity!] list object

List of activities for the option

SearchOption.brand ● PackageBrand object

Type of brand which belongs the offer

SearchOption.adviseMessages ● [AdviseMessage] list object

List of errors

SearchOption.category ● PackageCategory! non-null object

Category of the package

SearchOption.checkoutDate ● String scalar

Date of checkout hotel for the option received in standard ISO 8601

SearchOption.departureDate ● String scalar

Date of departure for the option received in standard ISO 8601

SearchOption.destination ● PackageLocation object

Destination of the package

SearchOption.isAvailable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Specifies if the option is available

SearchOption.isRefundable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Specifies if the option is refundable

SearchOption.itineraryMap ● [ItineraryMap!] list object

Schedule of transports/activities/accommodations of the option

SearchOption.locations ● [PackageLocations!] list object

Locations where the pacakge will take place

SearchOption.origin ● PackageLocation object

Origin of the package

SearchOption.optionId ● String! non-null scalar

Id for this option used for quote

SearchOption.rate ● Rate! non-null object

Base rate of the option as at this stage the price is no yet clearly specified

SearchOption.refName ● String scalar

Used to specify some key information of the package (few providers use this)

SearchOption.returnDate ● String scalar

Date of return for the option received in standard ISO 8601

SearchOption.supplier ● String scalar

Supplier to whom this option belongs to

SearchOption.platform ● String scalar

integration to whom this option was called to

SearchOption.supplierPackageCode ● String scalar

Code of the product to search its static information or use the search with it

SearchOption.transports ● [Transport!] list object

List of transports included in the booking

Member Of

SearchPayload object