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input AlertCommonComparativeInput {
historicalWindow: Int!
offset: Int!
variation: AlertVariation!
percentageToAlert: Int!


AlertCommonComparativeInput.historicalWindow ● Int! non-null scalar

The time frame in minutes to be used to compare with the window time frame

AlertCommonComparativeInput.offset ● Int! non-null scalar

Time frame in minutes to set the beginning of historicalWindow

AlertCommonComparativeInput.variation ● AlertVariation! non-null enum

According to percentageToAlert value

AlertCommonComparativeInput.percentageToAlert ● Int! non-null scalar

Percentage to be considered status ALERTING

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AlertAverageTimeComparativeConfigurationByTimeInput input ● AlertErrorRateComparativeConfigurationByTimeInput input ● AlertPeakTrafficComparativeConfigurationByTimeInput input