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The information and credentials required to access the supplier’s system.

input ConfigurationInput {
username: String
password: String
urls: UrlsInput!
parameters: [ParameterInput!]
markets: [String!]
rateRules: [RateRulesType!]


ConfigurationInput.username ● String scalar

User name for the connection.

ConfigurationInput.password ● String scalar

Password for the connection

ConfigurationInput.urls ● UrlsInput! non-null input

URL or endpoint for the connection.

ConfigurationInput.parameters ● [ParameterInput!] list input

List of parameters with additional required information. ● [String!] list scalar

Source Markets allowed for the Access (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2).

ConfigurationInput.rateRules ● [RateRulesType!] list enum

RateRules allowed for the access.

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HotelXAccessInput input