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input HotelOneStepQuoteInput {
checkIn: Date!
checkOut: Date!
hotel: String!
occupancies: [RoomInput!]!
rooms: [OneStepBookRoomInput!]
board: String
language: String
ratePlan: String
rateRulesExtended: [HotelOptionRateRuleInput!]
price: PriceInput!
surcharges: [SurchargeInput!]
supplements: [SupplementInput!]
nationality: String
cancelPolicy: CancelPolicyInput
market: String


HotelOneStepQuoteInput.checkIn ● Date! non-null scalar

Check-in date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.checkOut ● Date! non-null scalar

Check-out date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.hotel ● String! non-null scalar

Hotel code.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.occupancies ● [RoomInput!]! non-null input

For multi-room bookings, this array will contain multiple elements (rooms). For each room you have to specify its own occupancy.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.rooms ● [OneStepBookRoomInput!] list input

Rooms within the option to quote.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.board ● String scalar

Supplier's board code.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.language ● String scalar

Language to be used in request.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.ratePlan ● String scalar

Supplier's rate plan code.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.rateRulesExtended ● [HotelOptionRateRuleInput!] list input

RateRules contains all the rules that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.price ● PriceInput! non-null input

Specifies the prices (Gross, Net and Amount) that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.surcharges ● [SurchargeInput!] list input

List of surcharges that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.supplements ● [SupplementInput!] list input

List of supplements that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.nationality ● String scalar

Nationality of the guest (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2).

HotelOneStepQuoteInput.cancelPolicy ● CancelPolicyInput input

Specifies the cancel policies that the option booked must have. ● String scalar

Targeted zone, country or point-of-sale to be used in request.