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Represents a rate availability.

input RateAvailLoadInput {
rateCode: String
rooms: [String]
restrictions: RestrictionsLoadInput
applicableWeekdays: ApplicableWeekdaysInput
dateRange: DateRangeProductInput


RateAvailLoadInput.rateCode ● String scalar

Code associated with the rate.

RateAvailLoadInput.rooms ● [String] list scalar

List of rooms associated with the rate.

RateAvailLoadInput.restrictions ● RestrictionsLoadInput input

Restrictions for the rate. See RestrictionsLoad.

RateAvailLoadInput.applicableWeekdays ● ApplicableWeekdaysInput input

Weekdays when the rate is applicable. See ApplicableWeekdays.

RateAvailLoadInput.dateRange ● DateRangeProductInput input

Date range to apply

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InventoryAvailRatesLoadInput input