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Rates Setup update mutation input

input InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput {
clientCode: String!
supplierCode: String!
rates: [InventoryRateSetupCreateInput]!
hotelCode: String!
contextCode: String


InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput.clientCode ● String! non-null scalar

Client code.

InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput.supplierCode ● String! non-null scalar

Travelgate Supplier/Channel code.

InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput.rates ● [InventoryRateSetupCreateInput]! non-null input

Hotel input data.

InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput.hotelCode ● String! non-null scalar

Hotel codes of the rooms to retrieve.

InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput.contextCode ● String scalar

Travelgate Supplier/Channel context code.