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Filters able to retrieve stats

input StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput {
mode: ModeType!
timeRange: TimeRangeInput!
buyer_in: [ID!]
seller_in: [ID!]
access_in: [ID!]
client_in: [ID!]
supplier_in: [ID!]
operation_in: [ID!]
operationType_in: [OperationType!]
errorCode_in: [ID!]
errorType_in: [ID!]
trafficType_in: [TrafficType!]
api_in: [ID!]


StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.mode ● ModeType! non-null enum

Retrieve data as a Buyer or as a Seller

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.timeRange ● TimeRangeInput! non-null input

Input time

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.buyer_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of buyer codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.seller_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of seller codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.access_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of access codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.client_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of client codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.supplier_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of supplier codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.operation_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of operation codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.operationType_in ● [OperationType!] list enum

List of operation types

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.errorCode_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of error codes

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.errorType_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of error types

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.trafficType_in ● [TrafficType!] list enum

List of Traffic Type

StatsAggregationConnectionWhereInput.api_in ● [ID!] list scalar

List of Api code