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input AlertUpdatePriceInput {
check: AlertCheckPrice
range: AlertRangePrice
amount: Int
commission: Int
amountBy: AlertAmountBy


AlertUpdatePriceInput.check ● AlertCheckPrice enum

Specify which field is going to be checked. Amount, commission or both

AlertUpdatePriceInput.range ● AlertRangePrice enum

Low or greater values of amount/commission (value included)

AlertUpdatePriceInput.amount ● Int scalar

Value of amount price

AlertUpdatePriceInput.commission ● Int scalar

Value of commission price

AlertUpdatePriceInput.amountBy ● AlertAmountBy enum

Amount can be checked by its total value or night

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AlertUpdatePriceAbsoluteConfigurationByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceAbsoluteConfigurationByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceRelativeConfigurationByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceRelativeConfigurationByTimeInput input