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Booking rules entity.

input InventoryBookingRulesInput {
bookingWindow: InventoryBookingWindowInput
markets: InventoryMarketsInput
rateRule: RatePlanType
seniorRule: SeniorRate


InventoryBookingRulesInput.bookingWindow ● InventoryBookingWindowInput input

Booking Dates for which the rate will be available. Do not send it if you want the rate available for all dates. ● InventoryMarketsInput input

Markets included or excluded. Do not send if the rate is available for all markets. Only informative.

InventoryBookingRulesInput.rateRule ● RatePlanType enum

"NoRatePlanType" indicates absence of a specific rate plan. "LargeFamily" and "PublicServant" denote rates tailored for those groups. "Negotiated" and "Package" signify negotiated rates and package deals, respectively. "CanaryResident" and "BalearicResident" are special rates for residents of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, respectively. Lastly, "HoneyMoon" designates rates intended for honeymooners or couples celebrating their honeymoon.

InventoryBookingRulesInput.seniorRule ● SeniorRate enum

"NoSeniorRate" indicates the absence of a senior rate. "SeniorRate_55", "SeniorRate_60", and "SeniorRate_65" denote rates applicable to individuals aged 55, 60, and 65, respectively. These rates are typically offered to seniors as a special discount or incentive.

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InventoryRateSetupCreateInput input ● RateUpdateInput input