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Represents input data for creating a hotel.

input InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput {
name: String!
email: String!
phones: [String]!
fax: String
address: String!
postalCode: String!
latitude: Decimal!
longitude: Decimal!
categoryId: Int
localityId: Int!
hotelCode: String
contextCode: String
maxAgeBaby: Int
maxAgeChild: Int

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

Sets the name of the hotel. ● String! non-null scalar

Sets the email address of the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.phones ● [String]! non-null scalar

Sets the list of phone numbers associated with the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.fax ● String scalar

Sets the fax number of the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.address ● String! non-null scalar

Sets the address of the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.postalCode ● String! non-null scalar

Sets the postal code of the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.latitude ● Decimal! non-null scalar

Sets the latitude of the hotel's location.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.longitude ● Decimal! non-null scalar

Sets the longitude of the hotel's location.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.categoryId ● Int scalar

Sets the category ID of the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.localityId ● Int! non-null scalar

Sets the locality ID of the hotel.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.hotelCode ● String scalar

Sets the native hotel code from the supplier in case it is necessary.

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.contextCode ● String scalar

Sets the context code associated with the hotel. Required if hotel code filled, otherwise default value will be TGX_PUSH

InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.maxAgeBaby ● Int scalar


InventoryHotelMasterCreateInput.maxAgeChild ● Int scalar
