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Input that contains all the required information for booking the option in one step.

input HotelOneStepBookInput {
checkIn: Date!
checkOut: Date!
hotel: String!
rooms: [OneStepBookRoomInput!]!
board: String
language: String
ratePlan: String
rateRulesExtended: [HotelOptionRateRuleInput!]
price: PriceInput!
surcharges: [SurchargeInput!]
supplements: [SupplementInput!]
nationality: String
cancelPolicy: CancelPolicyInput
clientReference: String!
market: String
payment: PaymentInput!
holder: HolderInput!
deltaPrice: DeltaPriceInput


HotelOneStepBookInput.checkIn ● Date! non-null scalar

Check-in date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

HotelOneStepBookInput.checkOut ● Date! non-null scalar

Check-out date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

HotelOneStepBookInput.hotel ● String! non-null scalar

Hotel code.

HotelOneStepBookInput.rooms ● [OneStepBookRoomInput!]! non-null input

Rooms within this option.

HotelOneStepBookInput.board ● String scalar

Supplier's board code.

HotelOneStepBookInput.language ● String scalar

Language to be used in request.

HotelOneStepBookInput.ratePlan ● String scalar

Option's rate plan code.

HotelOneStepBookInput.rateRulesExtended ● [HotelOptionRateRuleInput!] list input

RateRules contains all the rules that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepBookInput.price ● PriceInput! non-null input

Specifies the prices (Gross, Net and Amount) that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepBookInput.surcharges ● [SurchargeInput!] list input

List of surcharges that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepBookInput.supplements ● [SupplementInput!] list input

List of supplements that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepBookInput.nationality ● String scalar

Nationality of the guest (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2) #TODO needed?

HotelOneStepBookInput.cancelPolicy ● CancelPolicyInput input

Specifies the cancel policies that the option booked must have.

HotelOneStepBookInput.clientReference ● String! non-null scalar

Client reference/locator. ● String scalar

Targeted zone, country or point-of-sale to be used in request.

HotelOneStepBookInput.payment ● PaymentInput! non-null input

Information about the option payment. If the payment type is DIRECT, CARD_BOOKING or CARD_CHECK_IN, then is mandatory to specify the payment card information.

HotelOneStepBookInput.holder ● HolderInput! non-null input

Information of the passenger that holds the booking (has to be complementary to the first passenger)

HotelOneStepBookInput.deltaPrice ● DeltaPriceInput input

DeltaPrice represents the allowable price variation between the quote and book methods set by the client. If the new price exceeds this limit, an error will be returned. If DeltaPrice is not provided a default value of 0 is assumed. This means the process will continue if the new price is lower or equal to the price shown in the valuation.