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The input type for the criteria of a PreferenceRule.

input PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput {
clientTokens: [String!]
suppliers: [String!]
noSuppliers: [String!]
bookingDateFrom: DateTime
bookingDateTo: DateTime
startDateFrom: DateTime
startDateTo: DateTime
hotelCodes: [String!]
noHotelCodes: [String!]
countryCodes: [String!]
noCountryCodes: [String!]


PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.clientTokens ● [String!] list scalar

List of the client tokens you want the rule to be applied to. "clientToken" is a dynamic parameter that you can include in your query request if you wish to enforce particular rules from the preference.

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.suppliers ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific suppliers you want the rule to be applied to

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.noSuppliers ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific suppliers you don't want the rule to be applied to

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.bookingDateFrom ● DateTime scalar

Booking date from when the rule will be applied.

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.bookingDateTo ● DateTime scalar

Booking date to when the rule will be applied.

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.startDateFrom ● DateTime scalar

Start date from when the rule will be applied.

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.startDateTo ● DateTime scalar

Start date to when the rule will be applied.

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.hotelCodes ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific hotel codes you want the rule to be applied to

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.noHotelCodes ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific hotel codes you don't want the rule to be applied to

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.countryCodes ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific countryCodes you want the rule to be applied to

PreferenceRuleCriteriaInput.noCountryCodes ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific countryCodes you don't want the rule to be applied to

Member Of

CreatePreferenceRuleInput input ● UpdatePreferenceRuleInput input