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The input type for the criteria of a BlacklistRule.

input BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput {
clientTokens: [String!]
noClientTokens: [String!]
clients: [String!]
noClients: [String!]
suppliers: [String!]
noSuppliers: [String!]
accesses: [String!]
noAccesses: [String!]
contexts: [String!]
noContexts: [String!]
contextsSup: [String!]
noContextsSup: [String!]


BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.clientTokens ● [String!] list scalar

List of the client tokens you want the rule to be applied to. "clientToken" is a dynamic parameter that you can include in your query request if you wish to enforce particular rules from the blacklist. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.noClientTokens ● [String!] list scalar

List of the client tokens you don't want the rule to be applied to. "clientToken" is a dynamic parameter that you can include in your query request if you wish to enforce particular rules from the blacklist. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.clients ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific clients you want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.noClients ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific clients you don't want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.suppliers ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific suppliers you want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.noSuppliers ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific suppliers you don't want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.accesses ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific accesses you want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.noAccesses ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific accesses you don't want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.contexts ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific contexts you want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.noContexts ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific contexts you don't want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.contextsSup ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific contexts you want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

BlacklistRuleCriteriaInput.noContextsSup ● [String!] list scalar

List of the specific contexts you don't want the rule to be applied. Empty list means this field will not be used to apply the rule.

Member Of

CreateBlacklistRuleInput input ● UpdateBlacklistRuleInput input