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type BookingPayload {
accommodations: [Accommodation]
activities: [Activity]
adviseMessages: [AdviseMessage]
bookReference: BookReference!
departureDate: String
returnDate: String
cancelPolicy: PackageCancelPolicy
destination: PackageLocation
itineraryMap: [ItineraryMap]
locations: [PackageLocations!]
origin: PackageLocation
paxes: Paxes
rooms: [PackageRoom]
price: PackagePrice
remarks: [Remark]
bookStatus: PackageBookStatus!
transports: [Transport!]
brand: PackageBrand


BookingPayload.accommodations ● [Accommodation] list object

List of accommodations (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.activities ● [Activity] list object

List of activities for the option (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.adviseMessages ● [AdviseMessage] list object

List of errors

BookingPayload.bookReference ● BookReference! non-null object

Client and supplier locators of the booking

BookingPayload.departureDate ● String scalar

Date of departure for the option received in standard ISO 8601 (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.returnDate ● String scalar

Date of return for the option received in standard ISO 8601 (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.cancelPolicy ● PackageCancelPolicy object

Cancel policies thast apply to the booking

BookingPayload.destination ● PackageLocation object

Destination of the package

BookingPayload.itineraryMap ● [ItineraryMap] list object

Schedule of transports/activities/accommodations of the option (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.locations ● [PackageLocations!] list object

Locations where the pacakge will take place

BookingPayload.origin ● PackageLocation object

Origin of the package

BookingPayload.paxes ● Paxes object

Paxes for the option

BookingPayload.rooms ● [PackageRoom] list object

Rooms applying to the option

BookingPayload.price ● PackagePrice object

Price applied to the booking

BookingPayload.remarks ● [Remark] list object

Remarks of the booking (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.bookStatus ● PackageBookStatus! non-null enum

Status of the booking (OK, Cancelled...)

BookingPayload.transports ● [Transport!] list object

List of transports included in the booking (may not be specified in this query)

BookingPayload.brand ● PackageBrand object

Type of brand which belongs to offer

Member Of

PackageQuery object