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This field contains a review of the cancellation status and other reservation-related information.

type HotelCancelDetail {
reference: Reference
cancelReference: String
status: BookStatusType
price: Price
booking: HotelBookingDetail
paymentInfo: GeneratedPaymentInfo


HotelCancelDetail.reference ● Reference object

Contains all the references obtained along the flow (client's, supplier's, hotel's...).

HotelCancelDetail.cancelReference ● String scalar

Cancellation ID in the supplier's system, if supported.

HotelCancelDetail.status ● BookStatusType enum

Booking Status.

HotelCancelDetail.price ● Price object

Specifies the prices (Gross, Net and Amount) of the cancellation. ● HotelBookingDetail object

Information about the reservation.

HotelCancelDetail.paymentInfo ● GeneratedPaymentInfo object

Specifies the information about the payment generated at Book step.

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HotelCancelPayload object