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Contains information about the restrictions of the rooms.

type MetadataRoomCandidates {
maxNumberRoomCandidates: ReviewedInt!
paxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates: ReviwedPaxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates
maxPaxInRoomCandidates: ReviewedInt!
maxPaxInAllRooms: ReviewedInt!
requiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration: RequiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration!
rateRules: [ReviewedRateRule!]!
beds: MetadataBeds!
ageRange: ReviewedAgeRanges!


MetadataRoomCandidates.maxNumberRoomCandidates ● ReviewedInt! non-null object

Maximum number of room candidates that can be requested in the same search request.

MetadataRoomCandidates.paxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates ● ReviwedPaxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates object

Contains information about the age restrictions of the guests in a room.

MetadataRoomCandidates.maxPaxInRoomCandidates ● ReviewedInt! non-null object

Maximum number paxs in same room that can be requested in the same search request.

MetadataRoomCandidates.maxPaxInAllRooms ● ReviewedInt! non-null object

Total amount of paxs that can be requested in the same search request.

MetadataRoomCandidates.requiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration ● RequiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration! non-null object

Indicates whether all of the distributions must have the same configuration.

MetadataRoomCandidates.rateRules ● [ReviewedRateRule!]! non-null object

List of rate rule types supported by the supplie

MetadataRoomCandidates.beds ● MetadataBeds! non-null object

Information about beds.

MetadataRoomCandidates.ageRange ● ReviewedAgeRanges! non-null object

The age range used by the supplier.

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MetadataSearch object