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Contains the information of the Payment Card.

type PaymentCardData {
active: Date!
expire: Date!
holder: Holder!
id: ID!
number: CardNumber!
supplier: Supplier! @deprecated
type: PaymentCardType!
status: PaymentCardStatus

Fields ● Date! non-null scalar

Contains the Payment Card activation date.

PaymentCardData.CVC ● CVC! non-null scalar

Contains Payment Card security code (CVC).

PaymentCardData.expire ● Date! non-null scalar

Contains the Payment Card expiration date.

PaymentCardData.holder ● Holder! non-null object

Contains owner's name. ● ID! non-null scalar

Contains the generated card ID. It is provided by a third party supplier.

PaymentCardData.number ● CardNumber! non-null scalar

Contains credit card number.

PaymentCardData.supplier ● Supplier! deprecated non-null object


deprecated from 2021-06-21.

Indicates the supplier or third party, responsible of the payment card s creation.

PaymentCardData.type ● PaymentCardType! non-null enum

Indicates the supported card type.

PaymentCardData.status ● PaymentCardStatus enum

Indicates the credit card status.

Member Of

GeneratedPaymentInfo object ● PaymentCard object