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Hotel results from the search response. Contains all the available options for the given criteria search

type HotelSearch implements Response {
context: String
stats(token: String!): StatsRequest
auditData: AuditData
requestCriteria: CriteriaSearch
options: [HotelOptionSearch!]
errors: [Error!]
warnings: [Warning!]
tracing: HotelXTracing


HotelSearch.context ● String scalar

Indicates the context of the response.

HotelSearch.stats ● StatsRequest object

Application stats in string format

HotelSearch.stats.token ● String! non-null scalar

HotelSearch.auditData ● AuditData object

All the sent and received transactions in the supplier's native format.

HotelSearch.requestCriteria ● CriteriaSearch object

Request Criteria contains destination, travel dates and the number of pax in each room.

HotelSearch.options ● [HotelOptionSearch!] list object

List of options returned according to the request.

HotelSearch.errors ● [Error!] list object

List of errors that abort services.

HotelSearch.warnings ● [Warning!] list object

Potentially harmful situations or errors that won't force the service to abort. To identify if it is blocked one, you can check our documentation regards this matter.

HotelSearch.tracing ● HotelXTracing object

Other information it may need to analize transactions. This information is only available through internal request and, by default, it is not returned


Response interface

Member Of

HotelXQuery object