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Contains information about quote

type HotelOptionQuote {
optionRefId: String!
status: StatusType!
price: Price!
searchPrice: PriceChange
cancelPolicy: CancelPolicy!
remarks: String
surcharges: [Surcharge!]
cardTypes: [PaymentCardType!]
addOns: AddOns
rooms: [RoomOptionQuote!]
paymentType: PaymentType!
boardCode: String
boardCodeSupplier: String


HotelOptionQuote.optionRefId ● String! non-null scalar

It is an unique identifier for the option created by HotelX system. The ID is used to make the quote query, so it is important not to modify it by any reason.

HotelOptionQuote.status ● StatusType! non-null enum

The possible values in the response's status are Available (OK) or On Request (RQ).

HotelOptionQuote.price ● Price! non-null object

Specifies the prices (Gross, Net and Amount) of the returned option.

HotelOptionQuote.searchPrice ● PriceChange object

Specifies the price of the previous Search option, returned only if it has changed. If not, this field will be returned as Null.

HotelOptionQuote.cancelPolicy ● CancelPolicy! non-null object

Specifies cancel policies of the returned option.

HotelOptionQuote.remarks ● String scalar

Additional information about the option.

HotelOptionQuote.surcharges ● [Surcharge!] list object

List of surcharges of the returned option.

HotelOptionQuote.cardTypes ● [PaymentCardType!] list enum

List of credit cards allowed for this option

HotelOptionQuote.addOns ● AddOns object

Additional information about the option. It is only available for the partners that uses our Distribution-X solution.

HotelOptionQuote.rooms ● [RoomOptionQuote!] list object

List of rooms of the selected option.

HotelOptionQuote.paymentType ● PaymentType! non-null enum

Indicates the payment type of the option returned. Possible options: MERCHANT, DIRECT, CARD_BOOKING and CARD_CHECK_IN.

HotelOptionQuote.boardCode ● String scalar

Indicates the board code mapped.

HotelOptionQuote.boardCodeSupplier ● String scalar

Indicates the board code in supplier's context.

Member Of

HotelOneStepQuote object ● HotelQuote object