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type MetadataBook {
allowsDeltaPrice: ReviewedBool!
requiredAllPassengers: ReviewedBool!
allowsRemarks: ReviewedBool!
informBillingSupplier: ReviewedBool!
informHotelReference: ReviewedBool!
informPrice: ReviewedBool!
requiredNationality: ReviewedBool


MetadataBook.allowsDeltaPrice ● ReviewedBool! non-null object

Allows a margin stipulated by the client for booking with a higher price (delta).

MetadataBook.requiredAllPassengers ● ReviewedBool! non-null object

Required data for all passengers (names and surnames).

MetadataBook.allowsRemarks ● ReviewedBool! non-null object

Informs if the supplier allows send remarks.

MetadataBook.informBillingSupplier ● ReviewedBool! non-null object

Informs if the supplier billing code.

MetadataBook.informHotelReference ● ReviewedBool! non-null object

Informs if the supplier returns the hotel reference number.

MetadataBook.informPrice ● ReviewedBool! non-null object

The supplier informs the book price.

MetadataBook.requiredNationality ● ReviewedBool object

Informs if the supplier requires nationality

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MetadataData object