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Contains information about booking.

type HotelBookingDetail {
supplierCode: String
accessCode: String
reference: Reference!
holder: Holder
hotel: BookingHotel
price: Price
quotePrice: PriceChange
cancelPolicy: CancelPolicy
remarks: String
status: BookStatusType!
billingSupplierCode: String
payable: String
addOns: AddOns
paymentCard: PaymentCard @deprecated
paymentInfo: GeneratedPaymentInfo


HotelBookingDetail.supplierCode ● String scalar

Supplier code of the booking

HotelBookingDetail.accessCode ● String scalar

Access code of the booking

HotelBookingDetail.reference ● Reference! non-null object

Booking ID references codes.

HotelBookingDetail.holder ● Holder object

Holder's name and surname

HotelBookingDetail.hotel ● BookingHotel object

Information about the hotel.

HotelBookingDetail.price ● Price object

Indicates the current price (Gross and Net) of the booked option. In the 'book' mutation, it shows the reservation price. In the 'booking' query (booking read), it reflects the current price; for example, it could be 0 if the reservation is cancelled and fully refundable, or the cancellation fee if there is any cost. If the provider is unable to return the current price in the query, the price returned by the provider will be used.

HotelBookingDetail.quotePrice ● PriceChange object

Specifies the price of the previous OptionQuote, returned only if it differs from the price shown at the Quote Option. If the price remains unchanged, this field will be returned as Null.

HotelBookingDetail.cancelPolicy ● CancelPolicy object

Specifies cancel policies of the returned option .

HotelBookingDetail.remarks ● String scalar

Additional information about the book.

HotelBookingDetail.status ● BookStatusType! non-null enum

Booking Status. The possible values for this field are specified in our documentation. Possible values for book mutation and booking query: Possible values for cancel mutation:

HotelBookingDetail.billingSupplierCode ● String scalar

Supplier’s billing code. It will be returned if the supplier has different billing accounts and this is informed in the reservation.

HotelBookingDetail.payable ● String scalar


HotelBookingDetail.addOns ● AddOns object

Additional information about the option.

HotelBookingDetail.paymentCard ● PaymentCard deprecated object


deprecated from 2021-06-21. Please use PaymentInfo instead

Specifies the information of the generated payment card, and the source of it.

HotelBookingDetail.paymentInfo ● GeneratedPaymentInfo object

Specifies the information about the payment generated at Book step.

Member Of

HotelBooking object ● HotelBookingAmend object ● HotelBookPayload object ● HotelCancelDetail object ● HotelOneStepBook object